Thursday, January 27, 2011

Richard out of surgery...

Richard came out of surgery at 2:30 PM. The surgeon said all went well, but the cyst was not a typical colloid cyst as expected. It contained staining as if it had collected some blood at some point. We will be in suspense until the pathology report comes back in a few days. They are getting him settled in to a bed in the Neuro ICU and then will let us in to see him. He will have a fluid drain from his incision for a couple days (we had originally anticipated that would be in place less than 24 hours). He will stay in ICU until the drain is out. He can not come home until a couple days after the drain is out. Therefore, it will be mid-week next week before he gets released to home. For now we are waiting to see just how his brain will react to having been manipulated - short-term and long-term challenges. Suspense seems to be the rule of life.

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